

Saturday, 31 January 2015

5 Simple Ways to Improve Your Bad Diet Today

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Glow Wellness/Getty Images

Not happy with your unhealthy diet? You're not alone. So many people eat a diet of heavily processed, high-calorie foods. The result is excess weight, that sluggish feeling and eating a bad diet isn't good for your health.

Are you on a mission to improve your unhealthy eating patterns? It can seem like a long uphill battle, but with these easy tips you can get started on your dietary quest.

1. Drink water instead of soda.

If you're getting ready to grab a bottle or can of sugary soda, just walk away and go pour yourself a glass of water. You'll instantly save calories by eschewing the sugar. Drinking water is a good habit to form. If you're not a fan of plain water, you can dress it up with sliced fruits.

Alternatively there are zero-calorie beverages sweetened with various non-nutritive sweeteners.
Miss the fizziness of soda? Go to the grocery store, pick up bottles of mineral water -- look for brands enhanced with a little fruit flavor. But watch out for 'flavored waters' that are flavored with sugar or high fructose corn syrup -- they're just as high in calories as sodas.

2. Hide the treats and bring forth the fruit.

If you have bags of cookies, candy or other treats in plain sight -- by all means go hide them. Out of sight, out of mind. That doesn't mean you can't have the occasional treat, but if they're not sitting out, you're less likely to be tempted to grab one whenever you walk by.

With the same idea in mind, if you have fresh fruit like apples, bananas, oranges and pears lurking in your cabinets or refrigerator, bring them out. Put them in a big attractive bowl on your counter or table. If you don't have any fresh fruit -- add some to your grocery shopping list.

How I Consistently Wake Up (By Allah’s Permission) 45 Minutes Before Fajr Adhan

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How I Consistently Wake Up (By Allah's Permission) 45 Minutes Before Fajr Adhan - Productive Muslim

One of the challenges that a Muslim faces when trying to wake up for Fajr everyday is the constant shifting of the Fajr prayer. Depending on the season you’re in, it constantly shifts either few minutes forward each day or few minutes back each day. Thus, it can be difficult to keep up with a varied Fajr schedule throughout the year.

This varied schedule poses three challenges for a productive Muslim:
It’s difficult to “train” your brain to wake up at a certain time each day. When you read productivity books, their advice is to always wake up early around the same time each day, e.g. 5am. This helps train your brain to wake you up early regardless of how late you slept the night before. However, for a Muslim, this is not realistic, especially with the shifting time for Fajr prayer, which can start as early as 1am or 2am or as late as 7am, depending on the season and which part of the world you’re in.
It’s difficult to maintain a regular “night” prayer routine. If you want to benefit from the last third of the night and get up and pray, you cannot have a consistent schedule. In some seasons, this will require you to wake up as early as 1am or 2am and in some seasons, you’ll need to wake up at 5am or 6am. Again, it can be difficult for you to stay consistent.
You cannot maintain a consistent schedule or morning routine. Since your morning keeps expanding and contracting depending on what time you have to wake up for Fajr prayer, having a consistent morning routine can be quite challenging.
So How Do You Overcome This Challenge?

Taylor Swift Just Trademarked A Bunch Of Phrases From Her Latest Album

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Taylor Swift since the release of '1989' has basically dominated American pop culture across all forms of media.
She's also become quite a figure in the entertainment business. Earlier this year, she made the decision to rip all of her albums off Spotify, saying: "Everybody's complaining about how music sales are shrinking, but nobody's changing the way they're doing things. They keep running towards streaming, which is, for the most part, what has been shrinking the numbers of paid album sales."
Now, in another business move, she's trademarking catchphrases from her latest album "1989," according to Rolling Stone.
She's trademarked five phrases in all with the US government, according to the legal database Justia.

Shakira Welcomes a Baby Boy!

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Shakira and her longtime partner, Gerard Piqué, have just welcomed the birth of their second son, Sasha Piqué Mebarak. Shakira announced the arrival of her son, Sasha Piqué Mebarak, on her website and explained the meaning behind his name. "The name Sasha is of Greek and Russian descent and means 'defender of mankind' and 'warrior,'" her blog states. Sasha arrived Thursday night via C-section at hospital Quirón-Teknon de Barcelona. Sacha joins big brother Milan in the family fold. Although Shakira kept a fairly low profile during her second pregnancy, which was first revealed in August, the 37-year-old blonde beauty has always been open about her plans to expand her family. "I would love to have eight or nine kids with Gerard," she told Latina magazine. "My own fútbol team." Pretty ambitious, right?


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Assalamualaikum Wr.Wb. Selamat pagi dan salam sejahtera.
Yang terhormat Dra. Tutut Sri Wahyuni selaku Kepala SMP Negeri 20 Malang,
Yang terhormat Bapak / Ibu guru, serta teman-teman yang saya cintai dan saya banggakan.
Pertama-tama, marilah kita ucapkan puji syukur kehadirat Tuhan Yang Maha Esa atas berkah dan karunia-Nya, kita semua dapat berkumpul di pagi yang cerah ini tanpa halangan apapun. Pada kesempatan ini, saya akan menyampaikan pidato tentang “Lingkungan Asri, Belajar Sepenuh Hati.”
Saudara-saudara, salah satu cara untuk meningkatkan kualitas sumber daya manusia adalah dengan bersekolah. Memang banyak cara lain yang dapat ditempuh untuk memperluas dan memperdalam ilmu pengetahuan. Namun, sekolah tetap yang utama, karena melalui sekolah, siswa tidak hanya belajar akademik, namun juga bersosialisasi, dan belajar untuk bertata krama yang akan menjadi modal utama untuk terjun langsung ke masyarakat kelak. Sekolah juga merupakan keluarga kedua bagi kita selain keluarga di rumah. Jadi, sekolah yang nyaman juga akan turut berpengaruh terhadap keberhasilan siswanya dalam belajar.
Saudara-saudara, sekolah yang nyaman adalah sekolah yang mampu membuat siswa betah belajar dan merasa senang. Sarana dan prasarana yang baik misalnya, gedung yang rapi, bersih, lingkungan yang nyaman, buku-buku yang lengkap, dan kelas yang memadai atau layak untuk digunakan, sehingga suasana belajar-mengajar akan terasa nyaman. Sebagai bagian dari upaya pelestarian lingkungan, di SMP Negeri 20 Malang telah melakukan program penghijauan dengan penanaman pepohonan dan tanaman-tanaman hias, mengingat letak sekolah berada tepat di depan jalan raya yang selalu ramai kendaraan bermotor. Dengan hal ini, polusi udara dapat diminimalisir. Polusi udara seperti suara bising yang dapat mengganggu kegiatan sekolah dapat diatasi dengan bekerja sama dengan pemerintah setempat untuk memberi peraturan agar jumlah kendaraan bermotor dapat dikurangi, mengurangi laju kendaraan, tidak membunyikan klakson, dan lain-lain. Selain itu, Rimbunnya dedaunan pepohonan dapat memerangkap gelombang suara sehingga mengurangi tingkat kebisingan. Dengan udara yang bersih, nantinya dapat membuat suasana lingkungan di sekolah lebih nyaman dan penggunaan pendingin ruangan atau AC dapat diminimalisir.